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What other clients had to say

Debby Short Testimonial

Debby Short Testimonial

LL Short Testimonial

LL Short Testimonial

WO Short Testimonial

WO Short Testimonial

Image by Ravi Pinisetti

Image by Ravi Pinisetti

Lonely balloon_edited_edited

Lonely balloon_edited_edited

Martin Testimonial Short

Martin Testimonial Short

Sarah Short Testimonial

Sarah Short Testimonial

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Screenshot 2024-07-01 at 09.49.13



Lotus in Bloom_edited_edited

Lotus in Bloom_edited_edited

Read the full testimonials here

Jenn, UK

"Karolina has a very special gift. She has truly transformed my life by equipping me with the tools and resources to navigate situations where I was feeling 'stuck'. I have left feeling confident and empowered to make decisions in line with the life I want to live. I cannot thank her enough for impacting my life's trajectory in such a positive way."

Anonymous, Denmark

"I worked with Karolina after a traumatic workplace incident that left me physically ill, with crippling anxiety and insomnia. Using various approaches based on neuroscience, Karolina supported me to mitigate the immediate and acute symptoms of trauma while also guiding me to healthy closure and transition from a toxic workplace. She helped me to lean into my resilience and move on, while learning key lessons that I will take into the future. I am confidant that her support was one of the main reasons I was able to rebound stronger. I'm grateful for our time and can only recommend her highly to others suffering from acute trauma or other challenges."

Martin, Norway

"Etter å ha gått hos Karolina over en periode av mange måneder har jeg utelukkende gode ting å si om henne og hennes væremåte. Meget dyktig, tilstedeværende og fokusert i alle konsultasjoner. Sjelden god evne til å sammenfatte lengre samtaler og trekke tilkoblinger til tidligere samtaler, ofte flere måneder tilbake. Har alltid blitt møtt med gjennomskinnende åpenhet og følelse av tilhørighet. Som terapeut er Karolina usedvanlig dyktig. Som menneske er hun enestående."

Laura, F., Germany

"Karolina has been the most helpful therapist for me on a personal level. She has a great ability to integrate socio-economic and political circumstances into her guidance, helping me to understand the deeper connections with these in my personal history and present. In just a few sessions, I had a major personal breakthrough! I felt completely at ease and knew instantly that her approach was all about respecting my needs and offering a range of options to explore in our sessions. I was also lucky enough to try her guided trauma sessions, which were incredible. I learned so much about myself and Karolina guided me to always be curious and increase my tools for managing my day-to-day in a more healthy way. I am so grateful I got the chance to work with Karolina and I would highly recommend her to anyone!"

Wendy, O., Peru

"Karolina me ha ayudado muchísimo. Cuando creía que estaba estancada, ella llegó en el momento exacto para ayudarme a cumplir mis metas y enseñarme otra perspectiva de la vida. Recuerdo mucho su frase: "La vida es como un tango, 50% lo que podemos controlar y el otro 50% es dejar que la vida nos sorprenda". Realmente, sus terapias me cambiaron la vida."

Christina, Norway

"Jeg har hatt en utrolig positiv opplevelse i det halve året jeg har hatt med Karolina. Karolina er trygg, behagelig og imøtekommende. Jeg har fått en større forståelse av meg selv, og jeg har følt meg ivaretatt og tatt på alvor i hver time."

Suvi, Finland

"I came to Karolina in the hopes to get help with navigating some inner struggles and questions. Karolina provided just the right type of support: she was an attentive listener, asked good questions, reflected back, introduced me to frameworks to help me think through and gave useful exercises to do after the sessions. I came out of the therapy sessions with a clear set of practices to enforce, and options and ideas to continue work on my challenges. I really appreciated Karolina's professionalism, warmth and patience, and can highly recommend her."


"Working with Karolina, helped me in ways that are hard to put into words. She created a safe and non-judgmental space where I was able to work through things. I looked forward to our sessions each week, where she was always honest with me, challenged me and asked the difficult questions that I needed. During my time with her, I grew more self-assured, able to validate myself and capable of making decisions by myself. I was actually sad when my sessions with her ended and will always be grateful and value what I learnt during the time with her.   "

Debby, UK

"I had the benefit of counselling sessions with Karolina which was an eye opener to me. Having never had any kind of counselling sessions before I was sceptical and apprehensive as to whether it would help me. I always thought of myself as an open book so I thought it would be a breeze. How wrong I was.

I found the sessions quite challenging. However Karolina was very supportive and very good to talk to, and a great listener.  She tried various techniques with me and was quick to acknowledge what worked for me and accommodated my needs rather than the "one size fits all" approach to counselling.  Having an outlet to help me deal with, and process what I was going through, had a huge impact of me. Having a safe space to talk was a real life saver to my mental health.  My sessions were very important. A part of me dreaded them and another part of me welcomed them with open arms. Karolina gave me the confidence and tools to navigate my way through my past and present issues, and to see things more clearly. I feel more confident in myself to face the challenges that life can throw at me. I am very grateful that I had someone in my corner whilst I was at the lowest point in my life. Someone who listened, who cared, who helped me, someone who never judged me for my choices. At rock bottom everyone needs a Karolina in their corner. I cannot thank her enough."


"Karolina guided me through a very difficult time in my personal and professional life. She encouraged me to see things from a different perspective and gave me the tools I needed to move forward. As a therapist, she was a huge support when I could not see the forest for the trees, keeping me focused on what was within my control and letting go of the rest. I'm grateful for her patience, kindness and insights as a therapist."

Sara, L., Belgium

"Karolina a été d’une grande aide et à l’écoute. J’ai beaucoup apprécié sa manière de travailler avec moi. Elle a su m’informer, me conseiller et me donner des outils afin de gérer au mieux ma problématique. Elle a également su me challenger afin de me permettre d’avancer et toujours dans la bienveillance. Nos séances se sont déroulées par appel en visio ce qui m’a permis de les intégrer plus facilement dans mon emploi du temps. J’ai beaucoup évolué grâce à Karolina et cela a été pour moi le début du chemin vers « quelque chose » de mieux. Merci énormément."

FK, Bosnia and Herzegovina

"It's not an overstatement to say that Karolina changed my life for the better. Before sessions with her, I was sitting in the corner looking my days pass me by, with her help I learned how to enjoy each one with its ups and downs. The sessions with her were so on point that improvement in my issues was noticeable in a very short period of time. With her professional approach, she guided me to be courageous and face my trauma, break unwanted patterns of thoughts and behaviour, and help me gain confidence, assertiveness, and recognise and set healthy boundaries. I cannot thank her enough and I would highly recommend her to everyone."


"Karolina was lovely and really great at helping me to unpack things that were happening, and in such a short space of time."

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