Welcome! Please have a look at the different therapeutic services offered to see whether it might be for you. If you would like to work on anxiety, depression, work related issues, fulfilment or low self-esteem, please have a look at our Empowered Focused Therapy.
In case you have any queries, schedule a free discovery call to see whether KO Psychology might be for you.
Empowered Focused Therapy
Sometimes our behaviour, reactions and feelings might go against what we want for ourselves. Though we would like to lead an empowered life, low self-esteem, anxiety, fears, internalised negative beliefs and emotional instability might come in the way.
Whether it stems from complicated family dynamics, discrimination, bullying, loss, enforced gender roles, work place difficulties, isolation or social exclusion, it can impact our sense of identity, value and belongingness. Please click below if you would like to explore further whether this type of therapy is suitable for you.

Trauma Focused Therapy
Trauma can come in many forms and shapes. It is the direct or indirect experience that caused intense feelings of fear and psychological distress. It can be caused by singular events, such as accidents, combat, rape, crime, forced relocation or imprisonment. This can be referred as post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). It can also be caused by multiple recurring events over a longer period of time such as domestic abuse, child neglect, sexual abuse or childhood trauma. This is often referred to as Complex PTSD (C-PTSD).
Individuals affected by trauma can experience relationship strain and have a negative perception of themselves. They can experience a sense of worthlessness, intrusive thoughts and mood swings. Their traumatic responses can entail high levels of anxiety, distress and depression. For more information on trauma therapy, please click below.
Couples Therapy
Relationships can be seen as their own entity, neither consisting of one or the other/s, but as an organism of its own. It consists of interwoven ideas, priorities and experiences of the people in it. It needs flexibility, adaptability and nurturing to continue to grow and develop. A relationship is in constant state of being. Steaming from two separate individuals, it merges two families of origins to create its own dynamic and might evolve to bring new members in this world.
Going from an individual, to a partner, to a professional, and maybe a parent, entails many roles and hats. The fluctuation and diverse chapters in life can create pressure, complexity and disconnection. Couples Therapy creates the space and opportunity to nurture fulfilment and contentment in your relationship.

Online Meditation Group
It can be hard to stop with the hustle and buzz in life. Constantly going. Constantly doing. Expectations, deadlines and obligations can overcrowd the mind. This online meditation group is designed to cultivate the silence and tranquillity in you, allowing you to enter a more reflective space for agency and self-realisation.
This group service requires a minimum of 10 participants and is offered in the morning and afternoon to help you set the tone of the day or take a break in a busy working schedule. To register your interest in participating, please click below
Fees are subject to slight changes based on operational costs associated to different currencies.
Concession rates are available for clients who are on benefits or who struggle financially. The spots are limited and based on availability.
United Kingdom
Discovery Call - 15 min: Free
Individual Session - 45 min: £110
Couples Therapy - 60 min: £170
- 75 min: £210
After 18:00 Sessions: Additional £30
Meditation Group - 1 session: £13
​ - 10 sessions: £110​
Payment Options: Wire or Credit Card
European Union
Discovery Call - 15 min: Free
Individual Session - 45 min: € 135
Couples Therapy - 60 min: € 205
- 75 min: € 255
After 18:00 Sessions: Additional € 35
​Meditation Group - 1 session: € 15
- 10 sessions: € 130
Payment Options: Wire or Credit Card
Booking Policy
All sessions, including the initial meeting are charged.
There is a minimum of 24 hour cancellation period, otherwise the above fees apply.
All therapeutic sessions adhere to the BACP guidelines, ensuring strict confidentiality and a safe and private space for your personal therapy.
GDPR regulations are upheld to ensure data privacy and protection for your personal information.